Stuff To Do

Black genealogy has exploded! It's time to add your story!


The Majani Project is a fun and safe space committed to candor, creativity, courage, and community. The curated materials available here—including articles, websites, podcasts, etc., are presented as inspiration and motivation to help you on that journey. So dig in!


Check out this ten-part video series on the roots of Black Americans.

Simone Boyce Traces Family Roots To Her Great-Great-Great Grandmother


Simone Boyce The Story Of Her Great-Great-Great Grandmother

The Importance of Black Genealogy

Test your family history knowledge

These 20 questions* were developed to test children's knowledge of some of their recent family history.

See how many you can answer!


1. Do you know how your parents met?

2. Do you know where your mother grew up?

3. Do you know where your father grew up?

4. Do you know where some of your grandparents grew up?

5. Do you know where some of your grandparents met?

6. Do you know where your parents were married?

7. Do you know what was happening in the country when you were being born?

8. Do you know the source of your name?

9. Do you know some things about what happened when your brothers or sisters were being born?

10. Do you know which person in your family you look most like?

11. Do you know which person in the family you act most like?


12. Do you know some of the illnesses and injuries that your parents experienced when they were younger?

13. Do you know some of the lessons that your parents learned from good or bad experiences?

14. Do you know some things that happened to your mom or dad when they were in school?

15. Do you know the ethnic background of your family (such as Jamaican, Nigerian, etc)?

16. Do you know some of the jobs that your parents had when they were young?

17. Do you know some awards that your parents received when they were young?

18. Do you know the names of the schools that your mom went to?

19. Do you know the names of the schools that your dad went to?

20. Do you know about a relative whose face “froze” in a grumpy position because he or she did not smile enough?


*Some questions have been modified.