
Connect With Peers and Discover Together.

Find Where You Belong.


Member benefits


Meet other kids interested in genealogy


Learn how to fabulize your story


We'll send you all sorts of fascinating information to help you fill your family story with context. We'll talk about music, art, dance, mythmaking, and everything else that helps create culture.



We offer monthly challenges with rewards.


Share family stories during monthly meetings


We off a range of monthly prizes

Did you know there are seven types of family stories?

Overcoming the monster.

Living through natural disasters, discrimination, war, etc.


Leaving your comfort zone in search of something

Voyage and return.

Returning to normal life after being terribly hurt or injured


Rags to riches, riches to rags.

Financial successes, financial failures


Stories that make you laugh (misunderstandings, coincidences, etc.)


Big emotional and/or mental struggles that lead to new take on life. – Dr. Marshall Duke

What is your family story?
What will your story be?

Whether you are descended from the Mayflower, the Clotilda, or you have a "Rogue's Gallery" of ancestors (or all of the above!), your family history matters!

Use what you find to make you stronger, more resilient, and motivated to succeed.